Become a ‘time-smart’ childcare service Posted on November 24, 2017 at 2:45 am.Written by Mark Evans Tick these five critical boxes using our regular ‘do-it-with-you’ Newsletter to Families and comply with 11 separate elements of the National Quality Standard 1. ASSESSMENT AND RATING All inclusions in our newsletter resource are by design, not only to inform families but to help as a visual source of evidence for Assessors. Save hours every month, support compliance and increase family feedback. 2. LINK TO YOUR QIP Continuity in practice can be easily supported through documentation linking. Showing evidence of a recognised ‘issue’ and the suggested solutions in the Newsletter with the aim of prompting feedback, further suggestions and community engagement. I.E: car park safety or policy review 3. REVIEW EACH EDITION Archive a copy of each newsletter for the purposes of compliance. Record the links back to the NQF & NQS directly onto the copy to be filed. You could create a system of different coloured highlighters to support different Quality Areas for quick reference, again for Assessment & Rating and for you to be assured that your information is of high quality. Once you get in the habit of seeking outcomes, you’ll be surprised how many ‘boxes’ you are ticking each month! 4. KNOW YOUR FAMILIES Newsletters are a comprehensive communication tool. In saying this, it is important that the information is relevant and interesting. Seek feedback from families and staff on what they want, not necessarily what you think they need. 5. DISTRIBUTION Make sure families have access to your newsletter. Make it easy for them to access and if necessary, put it under their noses but don’t fall into the trap of just placing it into a pocket or sleeve with an attitude of; “it’s up to them to look”. Regularly review and update your families ‘preferred method of communication’ list and see if they would prefer a hard copy or email. Always keep evidence of any improvement within easy reach. It will confirm your commitment to ‘continuous improvement’ and organic compliance. FOR A SAMPLE OF OUR D.I.W.Y NEWSLETTER – FOLLOW THIS LINK TO THE FREE RESOURCES PAGE.