When the regulatory authorities simplified the process of appointing a ‘responsible person’ on duty a residue of confusion remained in respect of ‘consent’ and the requirement of displaying the name and position of that person at the Service.
Now that all approved education and care service’s have a ’Supervisor Certificate’ it is the responsibility of the holder of the Provider License to grant consent via a style of ‘offer & acceptance’.
To manage the compliance trail we have created a simple ‘offer & acceptance’ form which will contain the necessary information plus an A4 ‘On Duty’ page that can be laminated and used each time that particular Educator is the Responsible Person on duty.
Much of the individual Educator information you record at the time of their employment will mirror what’s required to serve as the Responsible Person as long as they possess the appropriate qualifications, experience and maturity deemed necessary by the Approved Provider. This will include their Working with Children Check number and that they are a fit & proper person.
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