LDCPDP Funding

After consultation with a representative of the Department of Education and Training the following guidelines were provided in respect of using your LDCPDP Funding to purchase a membership.

The first two point are very important:

1. Your reason to join must support the global outcome of helping your Service to implement (And manage) the National Quality Framework. The Childcare Centre Desktop was originally released to remote & regional Service’s around Australia for exactly this reason. In conjunction with saving time, everything we do is designed to support you with the ongoing management and monitoring of the NQF. For example; our monthly DIWY Newsletter to Families supports 11 separate elements of the National Quality Standard. More on this here!

2. You are flexible in what you choose to spend your funding on but you must be able to articulate (if audited) why you selected a particular resource. To help you I have highlighted the main points below:

LDCPDP Guidelines:

Long Day Care Professional Development Programme – Funding Guidelines (www.education.gov.au/LDCPDP)

Types of professional development

In choosing and purchasing professional development for educators, providers should ensure that the professional development purchased using the LDCPDP:

  • Is commensurate with the needs of the educator
  • Represents value for money
  • Can withstand public scrutiny, and will not bring the service or the Commonwealth into disrepute
  • Complies with existing legislation and requirements in relation to Occupational Health and Safety.

Informal training

The delivery of informal training may include:

  • Events, conferences and forums
  • Mentoring and coaching
  • Informal sessions and networking

In-house, external or online courses pertaining to the improvement of the service or in the field of child care and early learning, including:

  • Indigenous education programmes, including cultural awareness
  • Cultural competency
  • Inclusion of children with additional needs
  • Supporting families and children at risk
  • Educational practice
  • Leadership or mentoring


Providers may use funds for the purchase of minor equipment or resources, which may include the purchase of:

  • Textbooks
  • Digital resources (CD, DVD Software, including online resource subscription)
  • Information technology equipment that facilitate access to online learning for staff (up to a total of $3000 per service)
  • Magazine, journal or newspaper subscriptions

Below is a very small list of resources from the Desktop that directly support the ongoing management of the NQF:

  • Professional Development Coaching Package
  • Ambitions and Reflections form
  • SWOT for Professional Development
  • Professional Development Plan template
  • Professional Development Cycle diagram
  • Medical Conditions Coaching Package
  • Child Initiated Activity Modules
  • How do I link my program & learning stories back to the EYLF
  • How do I make sure my compliance trail is in place?
  • How to set-up your QIP workbook: Video One & Two
  • Childcare Policy Library
  • Sustainability Commitment Statement
  • Educator NS CS Visitor Sign In-Out Sheet
  • Direct Supervision Sign-in Sign-out Sheet
  • Behaviour Intervention Plan