I have been asked by our subscribers and guests “What’s the best way to merge existing policies with the new & revised National Quality Standard?” as well as “What additional support are you providing in 2018?”
I have answered these important questions below BUT if you feel you need further information please message me via the Contact page here.
Q. What’s the best way to merge our existing policies with the new & revised National Quality Standard?
Firstly, if you have been using our policy drafts and updates throughout the year you will have a current and operationally compliant policy library. No doubt each of your own documents will have been adjusted to match your own philosophy, physical environment and identity.
If this is the case, you will only need to change the referencing to the National Quality Standard which is located on the first page. A simple cut & paste will suffice. See the following images:
My advice beyond this step is to submit an item into your Quality Improvement Plan indicating that all policies have been adjusted to align with the revised NQS and throughout 2018 you will be adjusting operational statements to improve understanding and implementation.
To keep tabs on adjustments watch for alerts related to our monthly ‘Policy Review Routine’ and apply if required. Note: our adjustments will relate to regulation updates and any content adjustments that will improve delivery.
Reminder: We will be uploading the new and revised policy library on Monday, 6th November 2017. [An archive of the existing library will be kept until February 1, 2018]
If you are not a member and would like to sample a few of our resources follow this link to the FREE RESOURCES page. [Also includes a policy already aligned to the new & revised National Quality Standard]
- How will we be supporting members into 2018 and beyond? READ MORE